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Bogotá - Colombia


(+57) 314 4827984



Do you want to connect with the children’s market that includes children from their gestation to their adolescence? Do you want to allow parents to be in control of their pregnancy, growth, health, nutrition, and general child care?

With Xentraly, you can create this community made up of clinics, pediatricians, laboratories, schools, insurance, suppliers of food, clothing, footwear, toys, etc. and service providers for entertainment, education, sports, culture, languages, etc., where they can offer their products and services directly and also interact with each other and with customers.

In the same way, in this community you can organize activities and services, events, courses, interest groups, forums, membership plans and any other activity that will bring value to customers and loyalty.

And as an additional value, you can provide a tool to parents to support them to improve the health care and well-being of their children (vaccination, growth control, nutrition, psychomotor development, etc.)